Mostar bus

Autor tamlover, Ožujak 29, 2008, 09:07:15


Dear all, could somebody give me and informations and photos about the ex austrian busses below, which should have been sold to Mostar:
Innsbruck: MAN 200
Wien: Gräf&Stift 200, 230, 240
Klagenfurt: Gräf&Stift 202


Jucer u juznom logoru..


Evo par snjeznih iz Mostara prije dva dana:

*****  V     O      L       V       O   *****


11.01.2013 Mostar





Moderacija bi trebala ukloniti ove ogromne slike jedva se učitava i ne vidi ništa kako treba.

EDIT: riješeno

Sarajevo 6.6.

Preduzeće ima zaštitni znak koji se sastoji iz dvije kružne strelice (plava i žuta) u dva različita pravca kretanja što simbolizira kružni prevoz. Završetak strelice izveden je potezom kista i daje dojam brzine.


Mostar 11.6., Mostar bus ima velike sreće da je dobio ove kvalitetne autobuse jer koliko vidim nemaju još uvijek nijednu prinovu..


Stvarno su prestrašni auti. Nepoderivi.  Moj u Rijeci  ima 952 tisuće a fali mu 2 mjeseca do 9 godina. Još da je bilo stavit nutra D20 umjesto D08 di bi im bio kraj.

Nemože se ergonomijom uspoređivat s modernijim busevima,  ali nikad ne ispada s linije.  Svaki dan bez iznimke i ikakvih kvarova odradi 420 km gradske vožnje


Ako moze neko poslikat NL-ove i NG-ove  hvala. Ima li koji noviji info o firmi i voznom parku?
Sačuvaj me bože mlake pive, ladne žene i lošeg centaršuta...


Slike s Facebooka grupe o davnoj prošlosti Mostara...
Londonac, FAP G-80 i Sanos S200
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Ne znam jesam li u pravoj temi.
Even though modern mass transit buses have returned to service in many areas of the city, cleanup crews continue to removes debris from what was a restaurant on "The Boulevard". A place where a major battle line once existed, nothing was spared during the recent civil war. Although most buildings in other parts of the city, have been patched up or repaired, some locations are so severely ravaged that reconstruction will take longer if at all. This contracted crew used equipment of the European Administration (EAUM) organization. In accordance with the Dayton Accords, under which Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR (the multi-national peace mission in Bosnia) functions, the provision of a secure..., 6/13/1996

One of the many public buses that were used on the day of the Mostar general elections to ferry displaced voters to and from the polling locations where they were registered to vote, 6/30/1996

Displaced Bosnian voters exit a transport bus and move towards the Bejrut polling location in eastern Mostar so that they might place their votes in the area that they were registered to vote in during the Mostar general elections, 6/30/1996

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