Liburnija – fotografije, 2007. – 2022.

Autor markost, Studeni 30, 2007, 19:56:53


248, 249, 251, 252 u novoj shemi, 255, 257 i 513
Eurobus AV 120


Eurobus AV 120

MAN truck bus

249 na 8 u Diklu - 23.7.
"vas 10 ušlo niko nikakve karte, znači prazan bus vozi na liniji bespotrebno"
"kartu imamo?"
"jel može karta? jel problem dat ovdje kartu"


Novi Crosswayi napali Zadar, osim njih za prigrad sam vidio 4 Integra, dugačkog Integra i jedan Comfort  >hammer<


Ostatak vozila iz Zadra, moj kolega iz Njemačke se razočarao jer više nema kul autobusa (Comforti, Integri, O40x...)  th-down


#795 van turističke sezone (rujan-lipanj) vozi na relaciji Veli Iž - Bršanj :)
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402 i 516 u subotu u ZG



Na posudbi u Puli, prije dolaska novih.

ZD 602-KO

Poslano sa mog EML-L09 koristeći Tapatalk

Živjela 184-ka!


Intouro na Biograd-Pakoštane, dobar prigradski bus


Mercedes Benz Citaro O530 ex.Dubai u sluzbi Liburnije Zadar

tramvajac 92

Patrola po gradu je pokazala iduće. Većinom voze Citari Dubai i najnoviji, vidio sam samo jednog iz facelift, u reklami za Supernovu na 11. Invalida nemamo.

tramvajac 92

Još malo sa kolodvora i okolice.

German Perfectionist

I will soon try to post more of my pictures from this year and the years before, this is a first test :D

Here's #230 in Preko back in 2019, now scrapped of course. I found it very interesting that Liburnija at some point went through the effort of replacing the original city bus seats with these comfy interurban seats, and even repainted the handrails from blue to yellow. Still, at the time I took the pictures it was arguably the worst condition bus of the entire fleet... A lot of rust, a lot of duct tape, and the whole thing only seemed to be held together by the disintegrating white wrap...  ;D

tramvajac 92

247 na Poluotoku, ostali na kolodvoru